How you can help

If you think Benson Library is important to the community, one of the best ways to demonstrate this is to join the library, it’s free.

And keep taking out lots of books! Did you know that you can take out up to 20 childrens’ picture books, and for under 5’s there’s no overdue fees!

It’s great having such a variety of constantly changing books at home which helps to stop my children getting bored. The only trouble is they can get mixed up with our own books and I have been known to try and return one of our own books to the library before now!

My husband loves reading but never seems to get the chance to pop in to the library, so every few weeks I gather up a random selection from the New Books section in Benson Library and take them home for him to browse!

I’ve set aside a part of my cookbook shelf in the kitchen to library books so I don’t loose track of my library books when it comes to returning them, and like to keep it stocked up with a variety of cookbooks I can dip in to.


Volunteering is a great way to get involved in your community and even learn new skills.

A range of library volunteers are available and all volunteers must first register via the OCC link:

The Friends of Benson Library always welcome new helpers to their team.

If you would like to help with any of the following please get in touch

  • Cake bakers
  • Events organisers
  • Fundraising
  • Digital communications
  • Library Week promotions (October)
  • Accounting

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